Centrum Osteopatii i Terapii Manualnej

Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation

Ul. Osiedlowa 4/6 U1 (entrance from Wrocławska Street)
91-052 Łódź

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Telefon: 530 158 533
e-mail: kontakt@osteopatja.pl

facebook: www.facebook.com/osteopatja

Contact us

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write: ikii

The administrator of your data is Adam Orszulak Osteopatja NIP 7292554245, Łódź, ul. Osiedlowa, no. 4/6, apartment U1, 91-052. By completing the form above, you consent to the processing of your data by the data administrator for contact purposes. You have the right to request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing.

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