MARTA ANDRZEJEWSKA Osteopathic techniques
Physiotherapist Łódź, osteopathic techniques, massage, reflexologist Marta Andrzejewska
My name is Marta Andrzejewska. I am a physiotherapist by profession; I graduated from Medical University of Lodz. I have been working in my profession for over 10 years, constantly educating myself and learning new therapeutic techniques.
I have always looked at the human being in a holistic way and not at its individual parts and organs. In order to take such a global view of the patient, my other passion - psychology - and more specifically personality development, comes in handy. I also completed a degree in this field and gained knowledge of the human psyche.
I have always intuitively enjoyed combining elements of eastern and western medicine. I weave naturotherapy into classical academic medicine achieving very good therapeutic results.
I completed courses in reflexology (foot acupressure) and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches); these are natural methods that have been used for thousands of years to bring the body into a state of homeostasis, or energy balance. As the body is not only matter, but also the soul, the mentality, it must be treated on many levels. For me, an appropriate and encouraging conversation with the patient is a prerequisite and the beginning of a successful therapy.
Massage - classical, lymphatic and reflexology, i.e., derived from ancient Chinese medicine - is also my hobby; in my work, I apply elements of trigger point work according to Ed William's modern and innovative method.
In addition to this, I successfully conduct healthy spine school classes by weaving elements of yoga into them.
I enjoy working with school-age children, I am happy to correct their postural defects and teach them how not to perpetuate incorrect patterns.
- Medical University of Łódź - master’s degree in physiotherapy
- Academy of Leaders - majoring in personal development
- Completed Courses and Trainings
Integrated therapeutic techniques for soft tissues. Trigger points, pain and muscle tension. Therapy according to the "Wilson Concept" method
- Therapy of patients with lymphoedema
- Basics of hirudotherapy and larvotherapy
- Balls and bands in sports and rehabilitation
- Foot reflexology. Completed two degrees with the title "Reflexologist"
- Interactive teaching using educational kinesiology and movement pedagogy.
- Workshop on pelvic floor muscle exercises according to the original BeBo® method
- Course: Concepts of fascia - different therapeutic approaches - Michel Puylaert
- Course: Integrative Scar Therapy, Katarzyna Młotek
- Course: HVLA-Manipulations of the short lever, Module I and II, D.O Piotr Cywiński
- Course: Osteopathic Scoliosis, Module I and II, D.O Jakub Durczak
- Course: Visceral therapy in practice, D.O Marcin Szkotnicki